Saturday, December 5, 2015

Belated Freyja's Friday......... Thermoset leaf earrings for my birthday!

    Since yesterday was occupied by taking Mom to the lab for blood work and dealing with the after effects... I'll just slip this in a day late!
    As a little present to myself for my upcoming 57th birthday I found a pair of the molded thermoset earrings that I love so much. And in my favorite color family too.  Oooooh blues!!!   I'm hoping some day to accumulate a parure of this design. Of course, if I could amass sets of every color I'd be over the moon! hahaha
     Seriously, I've always loved leaf designs. I try to capture a bit of Nature and the beauty of the tree people when I wear such things as these. After all, Mother Nature is a magnificent designer!  As you've probably noticed, down through time we humans have always tried to copy her. And while we pale in comparison.... sometimes things of great beauty are created by mortal hands during the effort made.  Ahh humans, we're such an amazing bunch!  Anyway, my hat is off to the Lisner company for designing some lovely jewelry and making it affordable to our mothers and grandmothers back in the day.
     Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday preparations! Be safe and HAPPY! 

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