Sunday, April 16, 2017

THE Easter hat and Greta!

   First things first: Meet Greta. There are two reasons that she has come to stay in my home. The first one is that I have so much trouble trying to coordinate with friends that can help with photographing my hats for the blog. The second reason is that I've decided as part of my down-sizing to sell some hats on Etsy and raise a bit of money to help care for all the strays here... and I also needed a model for that.
    So after perusing quite a few internet sites I stumbled across this gal looking for a home. Her complexion has faded to a strange hue and she has a few dings... but then, don't most of us have a dent here and there?  She has that slightly intense look that store mannequins had when I was younger, but she isn't unpleasant or mean looking! (Trust me, I found plenty of those! )  I think Greta has a nice proper look to her. Unfortunately, my dogs don't share my opinion. They are both, well... FREAKED OUT! hahahahaha    We've had a few sessions of short term visual exposure and even some sniffing on the last one. I do believe they have a good grasp on the fact that Greta is an inanimate object and does not pose a threat. BUT her face still unsettles them. So much for my brave guard dogs!!!


    *Well  I've skipped down because this is the only place my computer will let me type and not center it automatically. Yes, it has it's glitches. Yes, my friends tell me its time for a new one. But since they aren't paying.... I will continue to wrestle with this beastie!! chuckle

    ANYWAY onto the hat. Back in the day, this was someone's crowning Glory! The large tag says Gene Doris  New York. It has a Union Made tag as well. Quite the hat!!! The crown is covered in green leaves and the upturned brim is loaded with flowers and two small peachy-pink velvet bows up on the left side. All on pink netting with a pink velvet headband. The photos speak for themselves.
   This lovely has quite the visual impact!!! Reminds me of a floral kokoshnik. I think this is just a perfect hat for the Style Crone's April Hat Attack!!!

And there are more Spring and Summer hats to come!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Standing at the Crossroads.......

Rarely get to wear any of these beauties. Seems such a shame!

   Well, things inside my mind have been interesting to say the least. And I can't just put on a hat and cover them up. Though that does indeed cheer me up a little!  
   No, realization can be a real booger and this is one of those times for me. Of late I have been able to see more clearly just how bad the disarray in my life TRULY is. And let me tell you... it ain't pretty!!!  Its shocking actually and depressing as hell. As I stand at this crossroad I can see my choice of paths and since only one makes any good sense... that's the one I'll be taking. Of course, its the one that is covered in big rocks and sharp shards! But they just need to be cleared out... as do sooooo many other things.
   Yes, I'm talking down-sizing. At first it seemed like a defeat. That I hadn't been "good enough" and now I had to "lose" things. But I found that was just another phantom I'd created by losing my mother to dementia and having to place her in long-term care. Reality is, I did the best I could and nothing is ever enough against a disease that!
   So as difficult as its going to be for me, I choose to start shedding objects and other less tangible things that are quite frankly, in my way. I'm taking it beyond my previous post about organizing. I'm beginning to birth a Whole New ME.... and I don't need or want any more obstructions than necessary.  
    My strategy is to proceed in layers! That way I won't get overly anxious about my decisions. The truly sentimental objects will stay. My art supplies need to be organized.... and USED!! I need to create!! Now that's more important than ever. Knick knacks, old books, clothes and hats (gulp!) will be sorted and sent on their way. I just don't have the room nor the energy anymore.
   I chose to approach this as an adventure...... and that's what it should be. Blessings to all.

How am I ever going to pick out my favorites? Yikes!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday the 13th...... and I'm busy, busy, busy!

   Coming off a full moon on Friday the 13th! No wonder things are going so well today.  Got my major chores done and took Blossom to the vet! As it was getting overcast by the time we arrived home I changed my plans on photographing jewelry for Freyja's day.  Started sorting through boxes of clothes I had stashed in the back room.  Oh my!
    Looks like I am going to have to get some new boxes and start truly organizing!  One for all the men's shirts I've bought at the thrift shop for altering into sleeveless tanks. Maybe TWO boxes for those.   Another for the blouses that just don't quite fit.... mainly because they're too small in the bust. Or perhaps I should say "I'm too large" ! Anyway, they are all lovely and I don't want to part with them quite yet. Then I'll need several good sized boxes for all the off season clothes. Whew! This is getting to be a bigger task than I thought it would be. Need to put up a couple of those old shelving units just to maintain a little floor space. hahaha
    Oh, did I forget to mention all the fabric? For sewing into clothes, for piecing quilt tops, incorporating into art projects, etc., etc..  The way my life is right now I often wonder if I'm ever going to be able to do any of those things again. But heck, I can always hope!!  And with Spring on the way my spirits are starting to run high and optimism is rampant!!!
    Perhaps 2017 is the year I finally start getting my life together!  YAY!