Saturday, June 27, 2015

Freyja's Day ........ Clip on earrings & Cormac.

   I see I really have to work on my photography! Couldn't get a photo that really did these any justice. The amethyst colored rhinestones are about the right shade. The others are a lovely deep red which just doesn't show up in these pictures.
    Found them at the thrift shop the other day. They will be wonderful for the winter holidays! And they look nice on the ears. Some earrings don't "sit" properly, if you know what I mean. These are just right!

   Found no markings on them. They're your basic cast metal with the rhinestones set quite well! Solder points are the usual for this sort of thing. Clips are in great working order. Might want to add those little pads though, these seem like they could get uncomfortable if worn for very long.       I run into that a lot with clip on earrings!  

   And since Cormac was trying so hard to help me with my writing and photography..... I just have to include this picture of him. Such a handsome fellow!

Monday, June 15, 2015

There it is!

   Got a small start (very small) on de-cluttering and organizing my home this afternoon.  It seems like whenever I do this I always get surprises! The first one today was a rather small USPS box in an assortment of house/workshop "stuff".  I just could not for the life of me remember what had been in that box! Imagine my shock when I reached in to remove the tissue paper it contained and found a little hat!!!
   I had bought it on Ebay quite a few months ago. Didn't cost hardly anything because of its condition, and I was hoping to make an attempt to give it a new lease on life. Its covered in faded and stained pale blue flowers and the netting is so brittle that it just started falling apart as I examined it.
    Doesn't sound like a promising start does it? But she is such a LOVELY little hat! I found myself falling for her all over again. I had hoped to research how to clean and reshape hats, but I haven't found the time yet.
    I'm trying to figure out what I could use to touch up the flowers a bit. Perhaps a good quality cloth dye or artists ink? There are a lot of brown spots... some from age, others from the glue. Now if I could lightly add a darker, richer shade of blue just around the petal edges, maybe near the center on some (that would depend on where the spots are.) I do believe I could make her as beautiful as I see her in my mind's eye!

   Till then I'll nestle her away in one of my hat boxes where she can rest and dream.

Just pretend its a Friday!

    I know, I know... its Monday all ready. Well I'm pretending its Friday so I can do a Freyja's Day post, so please just get over it!
    Found this little necklace in the dollar box at the thrift shop last week.  Guess they thought it was plastic, but I recognize black coral when I see it! I was quite excited about my "find".
       Black coral protects against lower energies and helps repel negativity. And it is said to promote creativity!   Aids in the regeneration of bone and muscle. And helps one to rebuild depleted core energy. (Wow, I REALLY NEED this!!!)   I'm sure there is more, but researching it will have to wait till another day.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

OMC! Do I see another hat box?

   Really? ANOTHER hat box! I won't have any room to climb around in here if Mama keeps getting more hats. She keeps promising that she will rearrange everything real soon... and that I'll be very please with the results.  Well, I'm STILL waiting.

   Hope she remembers that I want a temple to Bast built too. We could make some pretty awesome columns for it using all these boxes! hee hee hee