Friday, December 18, 2015

Freyja's Day.... Celluloid Kingfisher earrings.

   Oh how I love these! They're celluloid with a white coating and clip on backs.  They cover quite a bit of ear! From beak tip to extended wing tip they measure two inches and are approximately one and one eighth inch in height.
    I have to position them just right so they hang properly. They're an awkward shape but once I get them on they look awesome! I've decided that they probably are not a good candidate for conversion to pierced. While that's disappointing, I can live with it. They look that good on! hahaha

    I find the whole stunted appearance to be a major part of their charm. The wing detail is lovely! But now I can see where they bear a definite resemblance of those Angry Bird characters. How bizarre!

   I do believe these were made in Japan. If I'm remembering correctly I saw a brooch pin once that looked very similar. Wonder if I can accumulate a set someday?  :)

Monday, December 7, 2015

What is it about feather hats?

   I'm well aware I started acquiring feather hats because of memories of my paternal grandmother.... but you'd think that my common sense would have kicked in by now and I'd have sworn off of them.   Yep, fat chance of that happening!   chuckle    I mean, lets get real about this .... I live in Florida, a semi-tropical climate, and we have more insects that LOVE to munch on feathers and furs than Carter had little liver pills!  (Yes, you'll probably only understand that remark if you are of a certain age! hahaha)
    So why? Is it the texture? I have Buff Orpington hens in the backyard and I just love to sit and pet them. Feathers are such a wonderful tactile experience. But then, how many people pet their hats?    hmmm...
    Perhaps its the sheen and iridescence. The play of light and color is downright magickal!  Even with natural solid black feathers... the colors that flow across the surface remind me of rainbow obsidian. Who wouldn't want to wear something that looks like that?! Beautiful!

   Whatever it is...... I admit to being hooked!   With that said, I've chosen this attractive little pheasant feather hat to share on Style Crone's Hat Attack #29.
   It needs some feathers replaced and other areas are bare and need filled in. But the colors are the important part! These 'selfies' don't even begin to do this hat justice. When I can round up a friend with a camera I'll try for some better photos that can truly convey how lovely this really is.

    Hey, do I look a little bit like a mushroom? :)    I was trying to show that the inside is also covered in feathers. Not a very successful attempt! hahaha

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Belated Freyja's Friday......... Thermoset leaf earrings for my birthday!

    Since yesterday was occupied by taking Mom to the lab for blood work and dealing with the after effects... I'll just slip this in a day late!
    As a little present to myself for my upcoming 57th birthday I found a pair of the molded thermoset earrings that I love so much. And in my favorite color family too.  Oooooh blues!!!   I'm hoping some day to accumulate a parure of this design. Of course, if I could amass sets of every color I'd be over the moon! hahaha
     Seriously, I've always loved leaf designs. I try to capture a bit of Nature and the beauty of the tree people when I wear such things as these. After all, Mother Nature is a magnificent designer!  As you've probably noticed, down through time we humans have always tried to copy her. And while we pale in comparison.... sometimes things of great beauty are created by mortal hands during the effort made.  Ahh humans, we're such an amazing bunch!  Anyway, my hat is off to the Lisner company for designing some lovely jewelry and making it affordable to our mothers and grandmothers back in the day.
     Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday preparations! Be safe and HAPPY!