Friday, September 11, 2015

Freyja's Friday..... late night musings.

   Very late night musings... at least for me! Its an hour till midnight and I'm wide awake.  Decided to take a photo of what I see next to me. I have a wooden staff covered in bangle bracelets sticking out of the old umbrella stand and hats piled everywhere because I have NO ROOM!!!  My hopes and aspirations of becoming more organized obviously haven't materialized yet. HAHAHA  Its proving to be a really difficult challenge for me. Between taking care of my mother, trying to work part-time and caring for all the critters that share my life.... well... I'm exhausted and stressed to the maximum.
    Kind of makes my whole desire to improve upon my outward appearance seem silly and useless. But I will persevere.... just not at the pace I had originally planned on.
   * Lately I have been perusing through Ebay listings for vintage sari fabric.  I'm looking at oranges and yellows in particular. I don't often wear orange ( only in Autumn) and NEVER wear yellow! So I figured it might be a good thing if I push those boundaries a little. chuckle  Worth a try anyway! A lot has changed as far as my perspective is concerned.... so who knows, I might decide I look good in yellow! hahahahaha Wow, it really is late... "good in yellow"??!!  Did I just say that?  On that almost absurd note I'll bid y'all a Good Night.

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