Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Of feather hats and mulberry trees.

   Wearing feather hats, or any thing that I want to keep clean, under the mulberry tree probably wasn't my brightest idea! Its just that the trees are sooooo pretty right now. All the leaves have filled in and the berries are just beginning to ripen. I can hardly wait till I'm able to start picking them!   But, I should have kept in mind that the birds are all ready eating the ripe ones at the top and that can turn into a messy situation very quickly! Hats don't stand a chance under those circumstances.

   I call this hat my "modest Edwardian". A tightly woven straw, asymmetrical brim and the inner circumference is quite large so it could accommodate the hairstyles of that era. Very simple with lots of ostrich feathers. I ADORE them! I even have a box with ostrich and peacock feathers just so I can add them to hats from time to time. Some days you just need the little extra touch of movement and color.

   And since my granddaughter Arianna was visiting I took  full advantage of her photography skills and put on several different hats. (For twelve years of age I think she did a great job!)  This pheasant feather toque has such lovely colors in it.  Predominant are shadings of slate blue. Who could ask for more?

Friday, March 18, 2016

Wrapping comfort around me.

    Its been pretty rough around here this last month or so. While I had every intention of posting to the Style Crone's March Hat Attack, life just got too jumbled up... then became extremely sad.  (I had to have my big goofy dog Jacob euthanized. It was a heartbreaking necessity..... still can't deal with it all that well. But his Spirit is happy now! And running fast and free.)
    I found this shawl/scarf at the thrift store and figured it would go along well with this vintage hat I just bought online. Very glad I got it, I'd forgotten how comforting shawls can be and that is exactly what I needed... comforting.
    In the last three years or so, I've had to say final farewells to my two oldest dogs, six of my cats and now Jacob. And you know, with taking care of my mother and all, I don't feel like I've had any time to truly grieve these losses.
    So I continue on..... knowing that one day I will have the time to adequately express my grief. That time just isn't now.
    But during this time I do find myself playing in my hat stash more! Now I'll be playing in the scarves and shawls too. There is something about the feel of the fabric draping around my shoulders that has a calming effect. What a fun coping mechanism it is!

    And while the hat isn't a very flattering style for me, how could I resist those little feathers? And burgundy velvet! Plus the tag says it was made by Miss Alice....  Alice being my first name. hahaha  (Yes, I did use that as an excuse to buy it.)  The shawl itself is polyester fabric made in Korea, but it certainly has the look of silk. Nice feel to it too. 
    The color is also one of my favorites to use as an accent. These pieces will be especially versatile come Autumn.  Oh, I need to start matching up some of my Lucite jewelry too!  See, I'm feeling more centered all ready.  Y'all take care and remember to spend more quality time with your furry children.